Scientism (Part 2): Cashless Society
How Scientism used COVID-panic to jump-start the cashless society.
In part one, we scratched the surface of how COVID-19 was scientism’s grand debut. About how “trusting the science” was more about faith in authority than about anything scientific.
But I need to make something very clear:
Scientism was and is a fake cover story.
When Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, or [pick your world leader] said anything to do with COVID-19, they were lying. They were lying about the virus, about lockdowns, about masks, about the whole damn thing.
They weren’t misinformed; they were performing.
We had countless examples of leaders and key players caught breaking their own “stay-safe” rules. None of these instances had anything to do with them holding themselves to a lower standard of conduct. They simply KNEW that the whole damn thing was fake.
They were well-paid power brokers deliberately hiding behind charts and numbers while justifying terrible proclamations.
And they used the religious aspect of scientism, a pseudo-scientific belief system, as their primary alibi. It would be no different than a con artist putting on religious robes, exaggerating his southern accent, and thumping a bible—while scamming you of all your money.
In other words, “scientism” was the front for a fake worldwide prescription.
It’s not as though these jerks actually believe in “the science.” They just use “the science” to manipulate the population.
Let’s travel back in time for a case in point:
Tuesday, March 3, 2020:
Media outlets everywhere report that the World Health Organization is warning the public that cash is dangerous. The WHO is cautioning the world that banknotes may (notice the highlight) be spreading the lethal coronavirus:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has advised people to use contactless technology instead of cash as banknotes may be spreading coronavirus.
From that day forward, cash became a dirty word.
And this ginned-up fear of cash reverberates to this day. Even now, at every cash register, there is a split second of hesitation whenever you pull a dirty paper bill out of your wallet—instead of a card.
With the help of the media, the WHO conveyed an extremely POWERFUL message via baseless fear-mongering.
In fact, March 3, 2020, should go down in history as the day when CBDCs were officially seeded in the minds of the masses.
CBDC—if you haven’t heard—stands for Central Bank Digital Currency. It is the wet dream and end game of the parasitic banking cartel. The dream of having every person (on the planet!) on a digital ledger. At all times.
Wherever you go, whatever you buy, a central bank will be holding your hand—while forcing it.
If the banking cartel succeeds in implementing CBDCs, the aggregate result of each future day's financial transactions will have a dimming effect on the collective human consciousness.
Ventured too far from your apartment? Simple. They’ll just turn off your money. And the best part? Your money (not at first, but eventually) will be totally on your person. Totally.
You won’t need a wallet or a purse anymore. Or even a card. Or even your phone. Your digital ID will replace your wallet. And your passport and your passcodes—to everything.
No more worries about forgetting PIN numbers or having your wallet stolen or misplaced. No more credit cards to juggle. It’ll just be you. You—and your behavior. You’ll become a walking, talking, living record of your stock-market-like bank balance.
And at the OTHER end of things—will be your central bank.
Without the impediment of dirty (anonymous and untrackable) cash, your central bank will be able to influence your every purchase. At every turn.
Your central bank will help you make the “right choices.” About where you go, what you buy, and so on.
Should you break a rule, like entering a restricted zone (let’s say beaches get banned again), no police officer is required:
With direct access to your every move (and digital proof of it!), your trespassing fine will be instantly deducted from your blockchain bank account—and logged (in real-time) onto your ever-fluctuating financial statement.
If you wish to dispute the automatic fine, both you and your central bank will have a perfect record, including your timecode and GPS location. You’ll both have everything you need to fight the fine in online court.
If this sounds SCARY, it should.
—Which is why NOBODY who watches mainstream news has the slightest idea that any of this is coming.
It’s why digital IDs are being quietly—but systematically—put in place. And why governments are merging all “trusted government identification” onto a single, “convenient” digital ID. Health records have or are in the process of being digitized.
Pay terminals like Amazon One (see video below) will allow you to use your palm instead of a card to pay for things. But this is just a hint of what’s coming down the pike.
All of this, this CONTACTLESS UTOPIA, was jump-started by a simple fear campaign that lasted only ONE WEEK—instigated by the duplicitous World Health Organization.
Because scientism’s specialty is fear.
What happened on March 3, 2020, might seem like a minor headline about germs and cash. But it wasn’t. It was a deliberate and well-planned event. In fact, if you read the YahooNews article, you will see that The Bank of England was also cited as a source:
The Bank of England also recognised that banknotes “can carry bacteria or viruses” and encouraged frequent hand washing.
—The World Health Organization and the Bank of England—together???
The irony is that on the following Monday, March 9, one week later, the WHO issued a feeble retraction: “We did NOT say that cash was transmitting coronavirus,” headlines cried.
This, by the way, is a typical and predictable maneuver by the scientism crowd.
First, induce panic to change public behavior.
Wait and watch the reaction.
Then shove in policies that reinforce the desired outcome.
Later, pretend that you misjudged the science; or say you were misquoted.
—But by then, the damage has already been done.
Obviously, they never said, “Cash was transmitting coronavirus.” But they are toying with words.
“The science,” remember, can NEVER be wrong. But the “experts” are ALWAYS free to reinterpret the data at a later date.
Scientism and fear go hand in hand.
It was FEAR that drove people to wash their money.
And suddenly, every drive-thru had a long stick for passing their debit machines. Plastic barriers materialized at every checkout. And paper money had dropped a notch in the minds of millions.
Contactless—became a word.
And none of this was by accident.
All of it was by design.